Happy Birthday Karri!! Final Chemo is 10/15 - hooray!!

The actual date of Karri's birthday is October 8th but we've been joyfully celebrating all week long. She's been able to go out to eat, see movies, watch Allie play volleyball, and attend church. We love watching her enjoy her favorite foods again. We are so grateful for all your support; it has been critical to help her to celebrate this birthday with gratitude for her return to good health. She continues to improve steadily each week. Pictured here: Allie (14), Brandon (24), Karri and Jerry, and Abby (6). Matthew and Jordan are away at school. Love from all of us to all of you.
Sept 13th: Happy Birthday Jerry!

The Robisons (sans Jordan away at school) celebrate. Karri has had a good weekend too! She is eating a healthy normal diet without nausea, and with the benefit of an epidural shot, she is beginning to regain some mobility. While her back pain is not entirely diminished, she has begun to get around with a cane instead of a walker - yay!
June 22: Welcome Home from the hospital Karri! Good Luck w/Chemo

The Robisons with Mother's Day gifts and the "Wrap Yourself in Our Love" quilt made by friends from church. L to R: Matthew, Brandon, Karri, Jerry, Jordan and Allie
May 31st - Jordan's Senior Prom photo op
Despite looking great, Karri is fighting post surgery complications including serious infection and debilitating, persistent nausea.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Graduation Party
I'm sorry that it's taken me so long to write this. This is Karri talking again and I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed going to the get-together on Sunay and seeing so many of my friends there to celebrate Jordan's graduation. It was so great of everyone to come and talk to me and share things with me. It was hard getting out of the house, but it was definitely worth it! Thanks Lyn for sharing your beautiful house with us! On other notes, we went wig shopping this week - what a kick! Wig people are definitely weird people, but I found one that I think will work, just don't laugh at me when you see me in it! Maybe I will prefer going bald, or wearing a hat, I don't know yet. I still have 2 weeks before I find out. Today I'm going to a support group meeting at the Wellness Center in Walnut Creek, so I'll probably talk about that at the next posting. You've all been so great about responding with comments - Keep it up!
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Hi Cuz!
I'm glad you got a chance to get out of the house. A change of scenery can do wonders, and for a party, even better!
We, who don't live close to you, will definitely need to see pics of you in your wig--hint, hint. ;)
If you think of anything we can do for you from this end of the state, let me know. Say "Hi!" to the rest of the clan for me!
That goes ditto for this side of the family :) I wish I could come for a visit or something. We do keep you in our prayers and on the Temple prayer roll.
As for the wig. I think they're fun! Even though I didn't have to deal with no hair I use to wear one once in awhile for kicks a long time ago.
Here is a funny wig story for you.
My husband, Leon was telling me that the Lord played a joke on him. He asked the Lord to send him a woman who would love him for who he was not what she thinks he should be. Leon said he forgot to state that he liked blue eyed brunettes.
Well, of course you know that I'm blonde and have brown eyes. Well I thought that I could take care of at least part of that. I had a brunette wig from a long time ago. So I put it on before Leon came home from work. He saw the backside of me and asked where Clairlyn was. I turned around and I thought he was going to fall over. Of course he said the right thing when I asked if I should change my hair color. He said, "It doesn't matter what color of hair you have I love you for who you are." Of course he added that I sure looked good as a brunette too, but I still had brown eyes....lol
Love to you and yours,
Hi Karri,
I have been keeping up to date through this wonderful blog. You are a stong woman with many reasons to fight this fight. I know it isn't easy, my son Ben's girlfriend is fight her battle too with cancer, but there are many miracles. Keep the faith and we will keep praying. God will carry you through this. You have a great support team there.
Nancy Kahl
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