That's right everyone - I got my head shaved today since my hair was already falling out in clumps. I'm not completely bald yet, but it is pretty darn short! Now I have to keep something on my head to keep it warm all the time. It's hard to get used to, but will be much easier to take care of. On the plus side - I had two outings this week - first I went to the Oakland A's game and firework show on Friday night with the family and some people from the ward. I felt good the whole time and I had a great time. Yesterday Jerry and I went out on a double date this time with some friends of ours from Clayton. We went to see the movie "Hancock" and we really enjoyed it, and then we went to eat and I actually got some soup and ate it and kept it all down. In fact, I'm keeping a lot more down these days, so hopefully I can go off my other machine sometime soon. Keep up all the wonderful support and prayers. We love you!
I am so happy to hear that you were able to go see a movie and out to eat. You truly inspire me and your strength gives me strength as well.
HOORAY FOR THE A's game, I know the kids were wishing that you could go with them! Your positive attitude in this difficult situation is something to be admired! An amazing woman indeed! As always my love goes out to you!!
Congratulation!! It must feel nice to get out and spend sometime with your friends and family. Best wishes too you!
This is from Jerry. Karri looks so "cute" with her shaved head. Karri looks at least 10 years younger and with her sparkling blue eyes and smile she looks very cute. Love you Karri!!
Now look at all the fun you can have with wigs. :) My stepdaughter was the lead in Wit and she had to shave her head for the part. She had a ball with colored wigs, like pink, purple etc. and different styles. She did do normal colors as well. Hum, Karri in a pink wig :)
Thanks for being an example to all of us when things become difficult. So when things get tough for me I'll remember you Karri with love. Hope things go a little smoother for you tomorrow and your next treatment.
Love Ya,
Hi Karri,
We got home last night from Lake Powell so today I am checking out your blog to see how your week went. I am so glad to see that you are going to the A's game, to a movie and out to dinner! I was so happy to read what a great week it has been and that you are feeling so much better.
You look so CUTE! How did you like the ending to Hancock??
Love the new doo! It totally suits you! I'm glad to hear that Hancock was good, we totally want to see it. Love ya and hope to see you soon. Keep getting better! :)
love, the rocks
You are absolutely beautiful!!
A strong, beautiful woman!!
I talked to Joyce yesterday and she gave me your blog address. I just got caught up on your care/recovery. You are a trooper! Your attitude is awe-inspiring. I'm so glad you're feeling a bit better and have been able to get out and have some fun. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.
Nancy Klinkner
You look beautiful! You're an inspiration to us all.
OMG! I think I'm going to shave my head! You look fabulous - maybe it will work for me! And how about those A's?! They are making it an interesting season...again. I'm glad you went to the Friday game...wish I were there too. On another note, I'm not sure if you've heard, but my husband Glen has just started treatment at UCSF. What an unexpected summer for us, huh!? You are an inspiration for me and all those around you. Hugs...
Hi Karri,
You do look darn cute, and so much like your mother.
There are catalogs out that have some nice turbans in them, a friend of mine got some and really like them. I even have one when my actually beginning to grey hair looks messy.
Aunt Pat
Hi Karri,
Joanne sent us a link to your blog.
Great to see that you are improving and even getting out and about.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and all your family during these challenging times.
Best wishes,
Steve & Margot
Sydney Australia
Hey hottie Karri you are a babe!!!My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you and your family. Your strength is amazing! All my love.
You radiate beauty and strength Karri. We are glad to be able to keep posted on things even though we are far away. Always in our thoughts and prayers.
Love, the Daltons
If you saw the hair on some of the Dallas ladies, not only could they spare some for you, they might just end up looking normal afterward. But I think it looks cute.
Hey Karri-
Just got back in town last night, and was anxious to check out your blog. I love the new do. It really looks great on you! You just might end becoming a trend setter. I've been thinking about you and your second treatment and hoping that all goes well with that. Have you had a chance to watch those movies? If so, what did you think? It was nice to hear that you made it to the A's game and on a date- that is wonderful! You deserve a little fun after all you go through. I'll try to come by sometime this week and see you before you leave to go to work on your tan at the beach.
Love Jeanne
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