Happy Birthday Karri!! Final Chemo is 10/15 - hooray!!

The actual date of Karri's birthday is October 8th but we've been joyfully celebrating all week long. She's been able to go out to eat, see movies, watch Allie play volleyball, and attend church. We love watching her enjoy her favorite foods again. We are so grateful for all your support; it has been critical to help her to celebrate this birthday with gratitude for her return to good health. She continues to improve steadily each week. Pictured here: Allie (14), Brandon (24), Karri and Jerry, and Abby (6). Matthew and Jordan are away at school. Love from all of us to all of you.
Sept 13th: Happy Birthday Jerry!

The Robisons (sans Jordan away at school) celebrate. Karri has had a good weekend too! She is eating a healthy normal diet without nausea, and with the benefit of an epidural shot, she is beginning to regain some mobility. While her back pain is not entirely diminished, she has begun to get around with a cane instead of a walker - yay!
June 22: Welcome Home from the hospital Karri! Good Luck w/Chemo

The Robisons with Mother's Day gifts and the "Wrap Yourself in Our Love" quilt made by friends from church. L to R: Matthew, Brandon, Karri, Jerry, Jordan and Allie
May 31st - Jordan's Senior Prom photo op
Despite looking great, Karri is fighting post surgery complications including serious infection and debilitating, persistent nausea.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Vacation Time!
Hi everyone, Karri here to apologize for not writing in so long. I had my 2nd chemo treatment last week and haven't been feeling very well and there was no real news to report. I've had the usual nausea and trouble eating and keeping things down, but now it all seems much better. The fluid build up in my abdomen got to be so much that when they drained it at the hospital they took out 7 liters of fluid! That is almost as much as 2 gallons of fluid that was drained out of me at one time! The chemo is supposed to take care of the fluid build up, but so far it hasn't so I'm a regular at the hospital to have the draining procedure done.
This coming Saturday, 7/26, we are leaving on a family vacation to go and stay at the beach in So. Cal. where we go every summer. The whole extended family is going so it will be very fun and nice and relaxing. I only have to have my TPN bag (nutrition) on for 12 hours a day so I will be a free woman most of my waking hours. Carrying the TPN bag around isn't very much fun - it's like a lightweight backpack. Since this will be the 3rd week after chemo I should be feeling my best and have a great time. Wish me luck - I'll write again when I'm down there to keep everyone posted on my condition. Thank you again for all your prayers and love and support.
This coming Saturday, 7/26, we are leaving on a family vacation to go and stay at the beach in So. Cal. where we go every summer. The whole extended family is going so it will be very fun and nice and relaxing. I only have to have my TPN bag (nutrition) on for 12 hours a day so I will be a free woman most of my waking hours. Carrying the TPN bag around isn't very much fun - it's like a lightweight backpack. Since this will be the 3rd week after chemo I should be feeling my best and have a great time. Wish me luck - I'll write again when I'm down there to keep everyone posted on my condition. Thank you again for all your prayers and love and support.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Many hands, many hearts = many blessings
Karri, Jerry, Claude, Myrth and I (Kim) often wonder how people cope with cancer who don't have a strong support team. Cancer is NO walk in the park, as they say, and those of us who are a part of Karri's team 24/7 are so grateful to all of you for your invaluable support. We hope that you know how much you have blessed our lives with every kind thought and every action you have taken to support Karri in this tremendous challenge. Every thought, every prayer, every phone call, every blog comment, every card, every meal....each and every one means SO MUCH and enhances our well-being enormously as our days and nights are filled to the brim juggling all the mundane details of our lives and that of Karri's family as well as trying to stay on top of seemingly endless tasks associated with cancer management. These include helping Karri with all of her daily needs, many of which require more energy than she has available now as she continues recovering from surgery and living with chemotherapy. On any given day we are assisting her with showers, laundry, special meals (and wishing she could keep them down), administering IV nutrition and a wide range of medications (just keeping them renewed seems full time!), wound care, doctor's visits, spending time helping keep her spirits up since her activities are so limited .... etc.
Yesterday Karri had her second chemo treatment. She had a couple of pretty good weeks prior to this and we are in high hopes that she will have the same result this time around - but week one after chemo treatment is pretty rough - and she is having lots of the unpleasant "side effects." As I look over now at Karri and Jerry, both of whom are napping in matching recliners while "watching TV," I'm reminded once again how completely, utterly, mind-numbing, and bone-exhausting cancer is on every level. (On any given evening it might also be Claude or Myrth nodding off next to Karri with the same kind of utter fatigue temporarily catching up with them.)
Looking ahead, however, we are energized by the prospect of our annual family vacation - off this summer to Hermosa Beach at the end of the month. We've tried to time the chemo so that Karri will be at her healthiest week in the chemo cycle in order to enjoy it as much as possible. We are beginning to have her IV nutrition delivered over 18 hours instead of 24 each day so that she will be able to be off all her machines for at least a part of each day during our trip -- and, if all goes well and the chemo kicks in -- beyond that as well!
Thanks again for all that you do to help "Team Karri." We couldn't do it without your love, kindness and unfailing support!
Yesterday Karri had her second chemo treatment. She had a couple of pretty good weeks prior to this and we are in high hopes that she will have the same result this time around - but week one after chemo treatment is pretty rough - and she is having lots of the unpleasant "side effects." As I look over now at Karri and Jerry, both of whom are napping in matching recliners while "watching TV," I'm reminded once again how completely, utterly, mind-numbing, and bone-exhausting cancer is on every level. (On any given evening it might also be Claude or Myrth nodding off next to Karri with the same kind of utter fatigue temporarily catching up with them.)
Looking ahead, however, we are energized by the prospect of our annual family vacation - off this summer to Hermosa Beach at the end of the month. We've tried to time the chemo so that Karri will be at her healthiest week in the chemo cycle in order to enjoy it as much as possible. We are beginning to have her IV nutrition delivered over 18 hours instead of 24 each day so that she will be able to be off all her machines for at least a part of each day during our trip -- and, if all goes well and the chemo kicks in -- beyond that as well!
Thanks again for all that you do to help "Team Karri." We couldn't do it without your love, kindness and unfailing support!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
No More Hair!

That's right everyone - I got my head shaved today since my hair was already falling out in clumps. I'm not completely bald yet, but it is pretty darn short! Now I have to keep something on my head to keep it warm all the time. It's hard to get used to, but will be much easier to take care of. On the plus side - I had two outings this week - first I went to the Oakland A's game and firework show on Friday night with the family and some people from the ward. I felt good the whole time and I had a great time. Yesterday Jerry and I went out on a double date this time with some friends of ours from Clayton. We went to see the movie "Hancock" and we really enjoyed it, and then we went to eat and I actually got some soup and ate it and kept it all down. In fact, I'm keeping a lot more down these days, so hopefully I can go off my other machine sometime soon. Keep up all the wonderful support and prayers. We love you!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Woo Hoo! No More Wound Vac!
Yes it is true that I no longer have to carry 2 annoying machines around all the time. I went to my doctor today and he decided that my wound was healed enough to be able to go without the Vac machine. I now just have gauze dressings and tape over it - and no machine to carry around! Can you tell that I'm happy? As far as the other annoying machine goes - I'm hopefully going to get that changed to only 12 hours a day, which would be mostly at night. My nausea has been so much better the past few days that I have actually been eating somethings and keeping it all down. If this lasts and improves then I can be rid of the other machine pretty soon also. Well, I just wanted to share my exciting news with everyone - I hope everyone is well and happy.
Love, Karri
Love, Karri
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Message from Mom
I am attempting to do a synopsis of Karri's progress since she returned to us from a rather
hellacious 2 weeks experience at the hospital in June. Her response to the Chemo, Hmmm? It is rather on the low end of "text book" as far as we can tell. She did very well the first 2 days and we were elated. We thought we had it made! Then she went through the days of achy bones and flu like symptoms. She was also nauseated a lot of the time. At the time it was painful to be around her and watch her suffer. However in her usual way, Karri met it head on and is fighting it all of the way.
A couple of positive things have happened. She is really not in pain anymore and is totally off her pain medications. And because her nausea was so great and so constant, the doctor prescribed a new drug for her, Marinol, which has pretty much taken care of her nausea and given her some appetite. However she is having difficulty keeping food down.We are going on a family vacation at the end of July and she is determined to go without the 2 machines she is connected to. Like I said, Karri is a fighter.
She is still retaining a lot of fluid in her abdomen and has to go get it drained a couple of times a week but further chemo should alleviate that problem. Today, on July 8, she is feeling good and smiling and joking and acting like a mom to the kids, that is to say, chattiing and giving advice.
Next Tuesday is her 2nd chemo treatment. I am very ambivalent about it. I am dreading it and looking forward to it. Hopefully it will help with her symptoms. When I look at how much progress she has made in the last 3 weeks I am thrilled. We will see what the next 3 weeks brings.. Love, Myrth
hellacious 2 weeks experience at the hospital in June. Her response to the Chemo, Hmmm? It is rather on the low end of "text book" as far as we can tell. She did very well the first 2 days and we were elated. We thought we had it made! Then she went through the days of achy bones and flu like symptoms. She was also nauseated a lot of the time. At the time it was painful to be around her and watch her suffer. However in her usual way, Karri met it head on and is fighting it all of the way.
A couple of positive things have happened. She is really not in pain anymore and is totally off her pain medications. And because her nausea was so great and so constant, the doctor prescribed a new drug for her, Marinol, which has pretty much taken care of her nausea and given her some appetite. However she is having difficulty keeping food down.We are going on a family vacation at the end of July and she is determined to go without the 2 machines she is connected to. Like I said, Karri is a fighter.
She is still retaining a lot of fluid in her abdomen and has to go get it drained a couple of times a week but further chemo should alleviate that problem. Today, on July 8, she is feeling good and smiling and joking and acting like a mom to the kids, that is to say, chattiing and giving advice.
Next Tuesday is her 2nd chemo treatment. I am very ambivalent about it. I am dreading it and looking forward to it. Hopefully it will help with her symptoms. When I look at how much progress she has made in the last 3 weeks I am thrilled. We will see what the next 3 weeks brings.. Love, Myrth
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Karri & Jerry's First Date
This is Jerry writing. Karri must be slowly getting better as we were able to go see the Indiana Jones movie and out to eat Chinese food on Saturday afternoon. It was very fun to be able to go with Karri. It was our first outing like this in two months.
Karri has had a very rough two months so it was nice to see her smiling.
Also my children Brandon, Matt, Jordan, Allie and myself would like to THANK YOU all for the love and support you have shown us. Thanks again, Jerry.
Karri has had a very rough two months so it was nice to see her smiling.
Also my children Brandon, Matt, Jordan, Allie and myself would like to THANK YOU all for the love and support you have shown us. Thanks again, Jerry.
Happy 6th of July Everyrone!
Karri here again, wishing everyone a belated 4th of July. We went up to Mt. Diablo in the morning to cook breakfast and I actually ate a pancake and some eggs! Of course I lost them again after hour, but it was still worth it. Also, yesterday Jerry and I had our first outing in about 2 month. We disconnected both of my machines so I was free-wheeling! We went to see the Indiana Jones Movie, very fun,and then to eat at an Asian place nearby. Of course, Jerry did most of the eating, I only had a little bit, but it was still a fun time for us to go out on our first date in a while. The main reason that I can do these things is because I'm on 2 new drugs that are really working well on my nausea - and sometimes helping me to keep my food down. Hopefully I can start getting out more and trying to live a semblance of a normal life - especially once I get rid of my machines, which should be in a few weeks. Thanks again for everyone's love and support- I'll write again soon.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
I am Karri's Abdomen!
Dear blog readers,
You absolutely DO NOT want to be Karri's abdomen right now. I am a real mess - but I am told that I am going to improve over time with chemo. When the cancer was diagnosed and I had surgery, it was discovered that the tumor had grown from the endometrial lining both into my uterus and out into the wall of my abdomen. The inner organs were removed, including parts of the liver and diaphragm and the wall of my abdomen was scraped. (The good news is that the liver will re-generate.) However, cancer cells remained embedded in the lining of the abdominal wall and continue to wreck havoc in the abdominal and gastro systems. The most obvious effect is the ascites fluid that the cancer cells produce. In my weakened state, the fluid they produce is not absorbed and circulated through the cellular and vascular systems as it should be - so it fills up in my newly vacated abdominal spaces, pressing onto the remaining organs - lungs, stomach etc. This makes Karri feel wretched and she has trouble breathing. It is also one cause of her nausea.
But Karri's nausea has other factors as well. The first is the severe gastritis that is the result of all the antibiotics and other drugs Karri was given in the hospital to combat the wound infections from surgery. If you were me, you'd be able to see her poor esophagus - it is irritated big time! The second additional cause for her nausea is the rearrangement of her innards after surgery and the major distress it caused in her gastro-intestinal system, which by the way is second in sensitivity only to the nervous system. Ouch! Finally, Karri's nausea is also caused by the two chemo drugs she is being infused with. Yup, the same ones that are going to cause her hair loss and that make her feel like she has been hit by an 18 wheeler for at least the first week after chemo every 21 days.
Sooo...what is an abdomen to do? In my case, it takes a pharmacy to heal! I am taking antacid for the gastritis, a drug to increase the ability of my intestines to function properly (they don't like digesting too well anymore - they are having to be retrained to do their job), and no less than 5 anti-nausea medications. On good days, they keep the nausea to a dull roar, on bad days I lose whatever I eat or drink every few hours. But Karri isn't a quitter, so as her abdomen, I don't have any other choice but to try and fight back right along with her. The good news is that the first round of chemo really helped with a lot of the pain, so Karri isn't having to take pain meds routinely anymore, AND the two newest (pricey!) anti-nausea meds seem to be helping turn the corner on the nausea - keep your fingers crossed for all of us. (written by Kim :)
You absolutely DO NOT want to be Karri's abdomen right now. I am a real mess - but I am told that I am going to improve over time with chemo. When the cancer was diagnosed and I had surgery, it was discovered that the tumor had grown from the endometrial lining both into my uterus and out into the wall of my abdomen. The inner organs were removed, including parts of the liver and diaphragm and the wall of my abdomen was scraped. (The good news is that the liver will re-generate.) However, cancer cells remained embedded in the lining of the abdominal wall and continue to wreck havoc in the abdominal and gastro systems. The most obvious effect is the ascites fluid that the cancer cells produce. In my weakened state, the fluid they produce is not absorbed and circulated through the cellular and vascular systems as it should be - so it fills up in my newly vacated abdominal spaces, pressing onto the remaining organs - lungs, stomach etc. This makes Karri feel wretched and she has trouble breathing. It is also one cause of her nausea.
But Karri's nausea has other factors as well. The first is the severe gastritis that is the result of all the antibiotics and other drugs Karri was given in the hospital to combat the wound infections from surgery. If you were me, you'd be able to see her poor esophagus - it is irritated big time! The second additional cause for her nausea is the rearrangement of her innards after surgery and the major distress it caused in her gastro-intestinal system, which by the way is second in sensitivity only to the nervous system. Ouch! Finally, Karri's nausea is also caused by the two chemo drugs she is being infused with. Yup, the same ones that are going to cause her hair loss and that make her feel like she has been hit by an 18 wheeler for at least the first week after chemo every 21 days.
Sooo...what is an abdomen to do? In my case, it takes a pharmacy to heal! I am taking antacid for the gastritis, a drug to increase the ability of my intestines to function properly (they don't like digesting too well anymore - they are having to be retrained to do their job), and no less than 5 anti-nausea medications. On good days, they keep the nausea to a dull roar, on bad days I lose whatever I eat or drink every few hours. But Karri isn't a quitter, so as her abdomen, I don't have any other choice but to try and fight back right along with her. The good news is that the first round of chemo really helped with a lot of the pain, so Karri isn't having to take pain meds routinely anymore, AND the two newest (pricey!) anti-nausea meds seem to be helping turn the corner on the nausea - keep your fingers crossed for all of us. (written by Kim :)
Graduation Party
I'm sorry that it's taken me so long to write this. This is Karri talking again and I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed going to the get-together on Sunay and seeing so many of my friends there to celebrate Jordan's graduation. It was so great of everyone to come and talk to me and share things with me. It was hard getting out of the house, but it was definitely worth it! Thanks Lyn for sharing your beautiful house with us! On other notes, we went wig shopping this week - what a kick! Wig people are definitely weird people, but I found one that I think will work, just don't laugh at me when you see me in it! Maybe I will prefer going bald, or wearing a hat, I don't know yet. I still have 2 weeks before I find out. Today I'm going to a support group meeting at the Wellness Center in Walnut Creek, so I'll probably talk about that at the next posting. You've all been so great about responding with comments - Keep it up!
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