Happy Birthday Karri!! Final Chemo is 10/15 - hooray!!

The actual date of Karri's birthday is October 8th but we've been joyfully celebrating all week long. She's been able to go out to eat, see movies, watch Allie play volleyball, and attend church. We love watching her enjoy her favorite foods again. We are so grateful for all your support; it has been critical to help her to celebrate this birthday with gratitude for her return to good health. She continues to improve steadily each week. Pictured here: Allie (14), Brandon (24), Karri and Jerry, and Abby (6). Matthew and Jordan are away at school. Love from all of us to all of you.
Sept 13th: Happy Birthday Jerry!

The Robisons (sans Jordan away at school) celebrate. Karri has had a good weekend too! She is eating a healthy normal diet without nausea, and with the benefit of an epidural shot, she is beginning to regain some mobility. While her back pain is not entirely diminished, she has begun to get around with a cane instead of a walker - yay!
June 22: Welcome Home from the hospital Karri! Good Luck w/Chemo

The Robisons with Mother's Day gifts and the "Wrap Yourself in Our Love" quilt made by friends from church. L to R: Matthew, Brandon, Karri, Jerry, Jordan and Allie
May 31st - Jordan's Senior Prom photo op
Despite looking great, Karri is fighting post surgery complications including serious infection and debilitating, persistent nausea.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
1st Chemo down, 5 more to go!
This is Karri talking again, coming to you one day after my first chemo treatment. I have to say that it really wasn't that bad - I just made myself literally sick with worry the night before. It lasted about 4 hours of sitting in a big easy chair and having drugs pumped into me via an IV "port" that I have on my chest. It didn't hurt, and I passed the time by watching a movie on a portable DVD player (thanks to my niece Jenna) or by falling asleep. My darling husband Jerry stayed there with me the entire time to comfort me as he has so often done during this whole process. I did get a little bit nauseated during the chemo infusion and the nausea stayed with me all evening long. However, it is now the next day and I am feeling much better than before, so hopefully it will be a trend that I will continue to feel better and better all the time! One of the most immediate effects we've all noticed is the reduction of fluid in my legs, feet, and abdomen. We had been told this might happen and we are thrilled that it seems to have. We are crossing our fingers that it doesn't come back. One can only hope! One of the things about cancer is that you never know what you're going to get from one day to the next, so hope and prayers are about all we have.
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We're so glad that things went well yesterday. We're thinking and praying about you.
We love you,
Lauren, Ernie and the boys
We are glad to hear that the first treatment went well, and hope that each treatment gets easier. We continue to pray for you and your family daily. You are such an inspiration to us, your faith and strength is amazing. Know that we are thinking of you. We send our love- Stacey and Bruce
Karri, I'm so glad that yesterday went better then expected. I too have thought of you and your family many times throughout your ordeal. You and your family have been in our prayers. Love, Kari Rojas
Hi Karri,
We are so relieved that the 1st session is over and you are tolerating it all. Please know that many of us are praying for you and your family--even if you don't see us around. Much love,Karen
Each day one of the first things I do is check your blog, and find out the latest news. I am so happy that chemo went well Tuesday and that you are feeling well enough that you can personally respond in your blog. You and your family have truly been amazing through this entire process. I pray each day that you will continue to improve and the Lord will watch over you and your family. The ward is so anxious to do something to help, but Myrth continues to assure me that down the road that will be possible, but for now we can pray for you. I have placed your name on the temple prayer roll every 2 weeks, just so you know that is being taken care of. Please know that soon as you need our help, we are waiting in the wings anxious to do what we can. Have a great week!
Love Jeanne Lamb
I'm so glad that you're finally feeling better! Love, Beth
You really sound like yourself again. The prayers, your family's support and your personal strength are working! Thanks for allowing us to stay connected to you through your blog.
Yeah Karri!
I'm so glad that you are on your way to getting on with your chemo! We all talk about you at work..everyone wonders, worries, and sends positive thoughts and prayers your way. You can't help but to get up and running with all of this love!
Con Carino
hi karri!!
just wanted to send some love from the fabs - including your little birthday buddy!!!
Hi Karri,
I'm so glad you're feeling better and that you've started your road to recovery. Your strength and positive attitude is truly an inspiration to us all. Thank you for allowing us to be connected to you and for taking the time to stay connected with us. May God continue to bless you and keep you well. Talk to you soon!
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