Happy Birthday Karri!! Final Chemo is 10/15 - hooray!!

The actual date of Karri's birthday is October 8th but we've been joyfully celebrating all week long. She's been able to go out to eat, see movies, watch Allie play volleyball, and attend church. We love watching her enjoy her favorite foods again. We are so grateful for all your support; it has been critical to help her to celebrate this birthday with gratitude for her return to good health. She continues to improve steadily each week. Pictured here: Allie (14), Brandon (24), Karri and Jerry, and Abby (6). Matthew and Jordan are away at school. Love from all of us to all of you.
Sept 13th: Happy Birthday Jerry!

The Robisons (sans Jordan away at school) celebrate. Karri has had a good weekend too! She is eating a healthy normal diet without nausea, and with the benefit of an epidural shot, she is beginning to regain some mobility. While her back pain is not entirely diminished, she has begun to get around with a cane instead of a walker - yay!
June 22: Welcome Home from the hospital Karri! Good Luck w/Chemo

The Robisons with Mother's Day gifts and the "Wrap Yourself in Our Love" quilt made by friends from church. L to R: Matthew, Brandon, Karri, Jerry, Jordan and Allie
May 31st - Jordan's Senior Prom photo op
Despite looking great, Karri is fighting post surgery complications including serious infection and debilitating, persistent nausea.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Empty Nest
Empty Nest by Mother Myrth
This is the other half of Karri's Home Sweet Home. Here we are, Claude and I with an empty nest for the first time since May. It is an adjustment for us as well as Karri. We had grown so accustomed to her presence in the house that I still wake up at night and think of things to talk to her about in the morning.
We are all thrilled about her being home. She has made such great progress. She is truly a amazing person. During this whole ordeal, and it was an ordeal, she has never complained but has saved her energy for healing. I am in awe of her.
This has been a life altering experience for all of us. It would be impossible for me to explain it to anybody. The feelings go too deep. But it has given me a much deeper appreciation of life and love and family. Maybe especially love because this is what allowed Karri to heal so well. The power of love is amazing. Claude and I are glad to have had this experience to love and cherish and take care of Karri . It is one we could have done without, but, oh well. As they say, someone had to do it and we were glad it was us.
When I start missing Karri too much I just go and clean out a corner of the house. And Claude reminds me that although I have lost a daughter, I have gained a bathroom again.
And so it is with a grateful heart I thank my Father in Heaven for allowing us to go on as a complete family, and I end this blog entry.
As a P.S. I must mention how much we enjoyed having Allie with us for 2 months. She is a typical 14 year old, in fact she gives new meaning to the term "teenager", but she is ours and we love her. Claude and Myrth
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Home Sweet Home
Yes, that is right - as of last Saturday, October 25, Allie and I are now living back home. It has been an interesting adjustment for me - I feel like this is where I need to be, but I miss my mom and dad and sister, not to mention my two boys Matt and Jordan who are away at school. I didn't get to see very much of them during the summer! On the plus side, I get to be home with Jerry and Brandon and Allie and get to start being a wife and mom again. I get frustrated by my back because it's not back to normal, but it is slowly getting better due to physical therapy and exercise - I can walk without the cane most of the time.
I finally finished my chemotherapy treatments two weeks ago and am now officially done - Woo Hoo! I also saw my surgeon today and he said that everything had healed very nicely inside and out. They will still be monitoring me through blood tests and occasional CT scans, so I guess it will never really be over, but for now I feel great! I'm just waiting for my hair to grow back and then I'll feel like a new woman!
I want to thank everyone again for your continued support and love and prayers. I have been so fortunate and blessed to be cared about and thought of by so many wonderful people. Love, Karri
I finally finished my chemotherapy treatments two weeks ago and am now officially done - Woo Hoo! I also saw my surgeon today and he said that everything had healed very nicely inside and out. They will still be monitoring me through blood tests and occasional CT scans, so I guess it will never really be over, but for now I feel great! I'm just waiting for my hair to grow back and then I'll feel like a new woman!
I want to thank everyone again for your continued support and love and prayers. I have been so fortunate and blessed to be cared about and thought of by so many wonderful people. Love, Karri
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Physical Therapy
Hi everyone - it's been a while since I've written on here, but you know the saying - No news is good news! Things are still going well for me - my stomach is totally back to normal since all the fluid disappeared and I am enjoying eating all the foods I missed during that few months. My blood tests are still turning up good - my cancer markers are back to the normal range and my red and white blood counts are normal as well. The only thing that continues to plague me is my back, and I recently found out why. I have started physical therapy as of last week and my therapist read my MRI that I had at the end of August and it showed not only degenerative arthritis, but a bulging disk that was affecting the nerves that run down both of my legs. The physical therapy has been in a swimming pool the first two times and it has really seemed to help me. I do a number of different water exercises for a whole hour and it really feels good, not to mention that my range of movement has been better and I am able to walk around more without my cane and without pain. I will have some therapy in their clinic where I'll be doing exercises out of the water starting next week - so I'm hoping that will help me even more. I've been able to be out and about and go lots of different places recently, and it really feels good. I want to thank everyone who's been out to visit me, or bring me gifts, or call me or send me cards - I really appreciate all the support from all you wonderful people out there! Take care,
Love, Karri
Love, Karri
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