Happy Birthday Karri!! Final Chemo is 10/15 - hooray!!

The actual date of Karri's birthday is October 8th but we've been joyfully celebrating all week long. She's been able to go out to eat, see movies, watch Allie play volleyball, and attend church. We love watching her enjoy her favorite foods again. We are so grateful for all your support; it has been critical to help her to celebrate this birthday with gratitude for her return to good health. She continues to improve steadily each week. Pictured here: Allie (14), Brandon (24), Karri and Jerry, and Abby (6). Matthew and Jordan are away at school. Love from all of us to all of you.
Sept 13th: Happy Birthday Jerry!

The Robisons (sans Jordan away at school) celebrate. Karri has had a good weekend too! She is eating a healthy normal diet without nausea, and with the benefit of an epidural shot, she is beginning to regain some mobility. While her back pain is not entirely diminished, she has begun to get around with a cane instead of a walker - yay!
June 22: Welcome Home from the hospital Karri! Good Luck w/Chemo

The Robisons with Mother's Day gifts and the "Wrap Yourself in Our Love" quilt made by friends from church. L to R: Matthew, Brandon, Karri, Jerry, Jordan and Allie
May 31st - Jordan's Senior Prom photo op
Despite looking great, Karri is fighting post surgery complications including serious infection and debilitating, persistent nausea.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Things Are Looking Up
Hi everybody - Karri here to give a current update. I had a Dr. appointment yesterday and it yielded some important news. He said my cancer is now in remission, but I still need to go through the next two chemo treatments. He also said it would probably come back someday, but they don't know when or how bad it will be. So I guess I will be getting checked and tested quite a bit for the next while, but I suppose that is to be expected in living with cancer. I am also now officially off the TPN - the liquid nutrition in a bag that was hooked up to me every night - and I am a free woman without a needle in my shoulder anymore. I still have the port under my skin to use for chemo, but that's about it. I feel really good these days - I can eat almost anything I want and I don't get sick at all anymore. The only problem is that I am still having a lot of back pain and I still need to use the cane to walk around, but I guess that's better than the walker. It feels very strange for me to have school be in session and not to be a part of it, but I will return someday when I am totally healthy and can handle the work and pressure. Until then - I am still staying at my parents house until my back gets better. Please feel free to comment or call or come and visit me anytime.
Love, Karri
Love, Karri
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Hey I meant to send Jerry a happy birthday message-so happy birthday-wishing you a good coming year--
Jeanne from Everett
Yay! We're so happy for you Karri. and happy b.day Jerry!
Bary & Annette
Oh I'm so glad to hear how much better you are doing! It's great to have Jordan, Kenny & the others here at school with me & for Sunday dinners! They seem to be enjoying themselves a great deal. Continue getting better!
That is great news Karri! We have kept a constant prayer going for you and yours. Hope you get the back thing fixed soon I know your pain ;P
Love Ya,
We miss you at Cambridge, but know that your students are in good hands. Your grade level team has been a great support. It's still as busy as ever, but you knew that!
Continued good wishes for relief from the pain. It's wonderful to hear that the cancer is gone (keep visualizing it staying away!) and that you are "tube-free."
Hugs to you and yours,
Hi Karri,
I'm so glad you are feeling better, and you recieved great news from your dr. The back pain will pass in time. Keep up your great attitude, I'm positive that has helped in your recovery.
Stay strong!
Great news, Karri! I'd do The Happy Dance, but I don't want my back to join yours. And a belated Happy Birthday to Jerry!
I miss you lots! I haven't been able to go back to Cambridge because I have no where to go!! :( Glad to hear that things are looking up!!
Great news Karri :)
So glad that things are getting better for you. I hope to talk with you soon.
I am so happy that you are feeling better and you are tube free!!!!! Your back pain will pass as well and I know that when I come back to Cali to visit I will see you teaching in room 17.
Lindsay Mattingly
Karri - Marilyn and I are soooo happy that you are doing better. We pray for your often. I talked to jordan the other day and he seemed great. I wish Matt well as he heads back to school. Keep up the good work, we are all in your cheering section.
Steve and Marilyn Leininger
I'm so happy to hear that you are doing so much better! That is fabulous news. It was so sad but exciting to leave our "baby" boys in Rexburg. They were having a lot of fun before we even left. Keep getting better and know that the many prayers so many people offer for you will continue and that you are so loved!
Lyn and Kevin
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